Saturday, September 13, 2008

Slow Posting

I apologize to the one or two of you that actually read my blog for the delay between posts. As you can see, I have been giving it a major facelift. I am done for now, but as I learn more about editing HTML (which I am NOT fond of so far) I will add to, rearrange, and change the look of the blog during the times when I have nothing to say. (HA! I ALWAYS have something to say, but for now what I'm writing is not for posting.)

PS. Thanks to Kiersten for getting her background from the cutest blog on the block website. (I saw the ad on yours and found the two I used on their site.)

PSS. I figured out how to remove their little advertisement (or edit it) if you would like to know how. (I will be adding their tag/link back to my blog, but in a much cuter way.)


Natalie Whipple said...

Lovely new template:)

Never Settle said...

Thanks. :o)

Never Settle said...

For now, the link to is at the bottom of my blog. :o)

Patty said...

love how the blog looks !

Never Settle said...

Thanks, Patty. By the way, I shared your blog post about making God politically correct with a friend at church. She enjoyed it as much as I did.

Kiersten White said...

Hey--don't give me credit, I got the idea from Natalie ; ) But your blog IS super cute now!

Never Settle said...

Thanks, Kiersten! And thank you, Natalie, for giving her the idea! :o)