As I prepared to submit my first article for publication, I realized that I was not at all nervous as I expected I would be. Nor was I giddy with excitement! This set in motion a series of thoughts that led to a series of questions. The first was "What's wrong with me?!?"
How can I, finally deciding my skin is tough enough to handle rejection of work I've poured my heart and soul into, NOT feel excited or nervous submitting my work for the FIRST time? Where are the first time jitters?
After delving into the recesses of my psyche, I have discovered the reason. Faith. Not faith that this particular article will get picked up for publication. Not faith that I won't ever fail or be rejected. But I realized that I have faith in me. I know how hard I work at producing quality material and that I pour my heart and soul into everything I write. So I have faith that my work will someday be recognized, respected, and PUBLISHED!
6 years ago
Faith is a biggie. I've been writing since middle school myself and have been published several times and each time I go through the jitters, etc.
Continue to have faith in yourself, just last night I was freaking out wondering if I have what it takes to be a writer full-time and I decided that I just have to try. That's all I can do, have faith in myself and try!
Thanks for reading my blog and for the comment. Good luck!!!
Thank you for the encouragement! And I hope it works out for you, as well!
Someone once told me that the word "try" was a way to set yourself up for failure. They said, "You never 'try.' You either DO or you DON'T!" Keep believing in yourself and DO follow your dream. :)
I absolutely agree with Sarah's comment about faith and the willingness to try. Much like you, I started writing in school, but always assumed, like sports, I would peak there and then be on to more reasonable, sustainable endeavors. Fortunately, I never stopped writing, both professionally and personally, and I am finally starting to see a path.
Best of luck....I'll add you to my blogroll and wish you great success.
One Maid a' Milking, I, too, persued a "normal" job that was consistent... until I started working for myself three years ago! Whew! :o)
Writing has always been a part of me. I write happy things, sad things, emotional and painful things, and IF I DON'T GET THIS OUT I'M GONNA PULL MY HAIR OUT things. Writing is very cathartic.
I have written just about everything through the years: poetry, short fiction, business documents and forms, and I've maintained a personal journal for most of my life. Part of my life will now be posted here for the whole world to see.
Thank you for stopping by and thanks for adding me to your blogroll.
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